A couple days ago I was visiting the love of my life. During this visit I got a pair of shoes (every girl's dream!). I must give credit to my sister for introducing me to this very special addition to my life. This love of mine is not a man...someday my prince will come...it's a store. The Goodwill Outlet is magical land where treasures are sold by the pound. If you don't mind a little digging (okay, a lot of digging) you will find amazing deals on everything you didn't know you needed. So, back to the story...
While on my most recent trip to the Goodwill Outlet I found a pair of Ralph Lauren Polo brand canvas shoes. They were in fairly good shape, but looked as though they were left out on the porch all summer long. What had once been a dark navy blue had faded to splotchy shades of purple and red. The rubber soles were a little dirty and the white color was yellowed with age. You can see why these shoes had been passed by in the regular Goodwill stores. But, at $0.99/lb these shoes cost right around a buck. I can work with that! Below I'll show you step by step how I am giving new life to these shoes.
In The Beginning: